Lori's Side of the Story: Deck the Halls        

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Deck the Halls

We're busy getting the house ready for the big day.

We decorated our tree earlier this week.  The boys helped and I think actually enjoyed it this year.  We always get an ornament on vacation, I have some ornaments that I made when I was little as does Matt, some are from grandparents, some made by the boys, but every single one has a story.  I read a blog this week that stated every tree must have a theme.  I guess mine is the story tree.

We have a playmobil nativity set this year and we placed it under the tree along with Thomas the train and a few horses and even 2 reindeer.  The other morning before school, the boys were placing the reindeer and poor baby Jesus on the train tracks!  Now that is just WRONG!  And Grant announced today as I found Mary knocked over that he doesn't like Mary!  Yes, the virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus!  God, please forgive us!

On to the mantle.  A took apart my advent cards and strung them on some twine and here they are.  I started collecting Santas a few years ago, they're up there too.  My mom has a wonderful collection of Santas.  Mine doesn't compare to hers, but I'm trying.

Here is one of my favorite projects!  I purchased a few little do-dads today to jazz up my old wreath and I think it turned out great.

The other favorite project:  I attached pictures of the boys' past Christmas's with clothespins to these wreaths on my french doors.  The little rectangle in the middle is a chalkboard- love it. 

1 comment:

  1. Lori...so cute! I love the wreath on the front door, and the tiny chalk boards. so good to see you again yesterday : )
