Lori's Side of the Story: April 2012        

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Here's hoping that when your day starts out with removing a tick the size of the Grand Canyon from your dogs neck that it can only get better from there? Cheers!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Barry baby

Saturday, my mom, my sister, two of my aunts, two cousins, two friends and I went to see Barry Manillo in concert! We had a blast. We waved and screamed and danced and sang along into our pretend purple glow stick microphones to great old songs that brought back memories for everybody...Even Now :-) I practically wore his album out on my record player in the good old' days. Oh Mandy.....
The pictures are terrible but I wanted this fun night documented. Maybe if you squint they won't look so bad.

He writes the songs, he writes the songs. Thanks Barry!

Friday, April 20, 2012


I came across a video on youtube today that I have seen once before but could watch one hundred more. It is called Transcending by Kelly Corrigan. It is a great reminder of all the wonderful women in my life and how thankful I am for each and every one. Enjoy, but grab a Kleenex or a whole box first.

Shed spring clean out

We cleaned and organized our shed a few weeks ago.

Before clean out

After clean out :-)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

No rest for the weary

Grant has strep throat, but that can't stop him from enjoying his day.

On the other hand, maybe a little rest wouldn't be so bad...

that's much better.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


We had a great weekend at the farm, even though it did rain on Saturday.
The kids played, hiked, swung on the rope in the barn, made forts, rode the hay wagon, made make-shift bridges out of old tires and wooden ladders, drove the pug, hid from bulls, discovered dead animal carcasses (they didn't know if it was a dog or a moose), fed two happy ponies way too many treats, played baseball and basketball, found treasures, built fires (with adult supervision), and laughed a lot. What more could a boy ask for? It sure makes their parents happy too :-) Matt has a nice video over at his blog with all the pictures from the weekend.

Now to the meddles...On Sunday we took a hike around the creek and Grant got into nettles, again. He is so dramatic, you'd think he had gotten his arm chewed off by a wild animal. Grandpa told him if he rubbed his hands together that it wouldn't hurt so bad, so he rubbed and rubbed his hands together over his head as we walked back up to the house to get some cream. When we got there he announced that he had gotten 'the meddles' again. Poor guy. Darn meddles, they'll get ya every time.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Smile for today

Go to YouTube and watch Caine's Arcade right now! It will make your day, I promise.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easy and effective

I've started writing down lists for my kids. A post it with a list of after-school tasks is working way better than me nagging them 3,416 times to complete a specific task. Dylan's list looks like this today :

Snack: hard boiled egg and crackers
Homework: Finish SS study guide
Complete SS power point presentation
Art- decide what area of our house to draw
Trombone: 20 minutes

That's it, maybe a chore will be thrown in if needed. I just felt like I was on the losing end of this battle so I tried the post it one day after school and everything got done on the lists and no one had to be reminded, even once. Now, I'm hoping, no honestly praying, that this continues to be effective because it sure beats yelling. I'm even trying it out with the kids in the bathroom. I've got a list posted of what they need to do in the morning. I know it sounds so silly but most days my sons are in the bathrooms running the water for about 15 minutes and when they come out they haven't brushed their teeth, combed their hair, or washed their hands. It will hopefully catch their attention while they are splashing around or climbing on the edge of the tub or playing with the toothpaste and help get their jobs done. Just thought I'd share.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A picture's worth a thousand words

1st practice of the season

Can you tell Grant is a little bit excited about his first baseball practice tonight?

This is his outfit of choice for tonight, complete with sweat bands and batting glove:-)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Over spring break we took a trip to Canada to see Niagra Falls. Matt and I had both been there as kids and thought it would be neat to show the boys (plus it completed Matt's quest of putting his feet in all five Great Lakes in one year).

The boys and I received our first stamps in our passports and felt lucky to make it through the border patrol after Grant was mentioning air soft guns to the security guard. There is just no keeping that boy quiet.

It was cold but sunny and beautiful. This was the view from our room on the 30th floor.

The weather didn't bother us, we were prepared except that Jack lost his glove to the Falls on the first night. Oh, and one other time we had to run across the street to swim in another hotel's pool because ours was being fixed. That wouldn't be so bad but it was 9:30 at night and about 35 degrees with a wicked wind, the walk back to our hotel afterward was FRIGID!

Enjoy the last two pictures, one of my boys and one of my sister and I from a long time ago, in the same spot.

Memories of the way we were......

Location:Spring break trip

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful day. We had a very nice day, not a perfect day, but nice. I'm just keeping it real, there was some yelling and even fighting on Easter day. I know it seems unnatural, but it is true. There were also some very nice times as documented in the photos.
Please tell me that these growing boys of mine will remember only the good times, the 'coloring egg' times, the 'egg hunting' times, the 'posing for picture' times, the 'finding chocolate in their baskets in the morning' times, the 'playing kickball with the neighbor's grandkids' times? I'm counting on it. I have great memories of holidays growing up and I'm sure those days weren't perfect either. I'm sure I probably threw a fit about wearing a bonnet AND corsage AND white gloves with my matching white purse AND the dreadful white shawl on Easter morning, didn't I? Yes, I'm sure I did. At least I didn't have to bribe the boys to wear a shawl, there's that :-)
On a positive note, our church service today was just glorious. The service ended with the Hallelujah Chorus, goosebumps all over I tell ya. It was truly a celebration of the King of Kings.
Enjoy the pics.

We tried tye dying eggs and volcano dying this year, very fun!